
I know I need to invest in building more relationships, but I haven’t made the time. I think Covid made me complacent. Now, I’m not sure if I’m lazy or just nervous. What do you suggest?

Meaghan, 26

It sounds like you just need a little practice and encouragement. Here are a few things to get you on your way:

1. 🌱 Start small. Reach out to a former classmate, colleague, advisor or someone you know but lost touch with. Once you get comfortable, you can try reaching out to someone you haven’t yet met but would like to. Do your homework and then send a simple email or LinkedIn message – Hello, I am interested in learning about your career journey, specifically some of the most vital steps you made in the first few years. Would you be willing to have a 15-minute call with me or a coffee?

2. 👥 Find a gathering. Perhaps it’s a workshop, an industry event, a peer happy hour or CreativeMornings session in your town (Or an upcoming Equipt Women Empower Hour). Anything that gets your juices flowing will be a fun way to meet new people with common interests.

3. 🤝 Bring a wing person. It can be more fun to have a friend or colleague join you to help break the ice, navigate new conversations, or casually brag about you.

4.  🙌 Be YOU. Authenticity and sincerity are what matter most. Tap into your unique story – maybe you have a cool side hustle or an audacious goal or just moved into a cool neighborhood that inspires your creativity. That’s conversation fodder worth sharing.

5. 🤔 Be curious. If you show up with a growth mindset and are eager to learn about others, you will find your groove. What are you passionate about? Where do you get your inspiration? What’s the most challenging part of your job? Be interested, personable and curious about others. The rest will unfold.

Take a look at our Networking Tracker for some how-to tips and jump into action. It really comes down to practicing–much like exercising a muscle to get stronger. Make it a priority to have at least one networking event (attending a peer gathering, asking for an introduction, meeting a new person) on your calendar each month. (Bonus tip: color block this reminder so you can’t miss it.)

Do you have a burning question for your Equipt is here for you. Whether you prefer to type it out or record a voice memo, simply drop us a line at [email protected].

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