Q: I want work.life balance, but I have too much responsibility at home to feel like this is achievable. How can I get to a better place with my partner?

Women often have disproportionate responsibilities at home and carry the “cognitive load” of the household. Too often, we grudgingly take on disproportionate responsibilities while quietly resenting our significant other.

That’s not a healthy or sustainable option. Try our Equipt Chore Grid to prioritize, divide, and conquer:

  1. List ALL the tasks that are needed to run your household. Include everything such as bill paying, grocery shopping, tidying up, etc.
  2. Next, organize them by high or low importance.
  3. Then, determine what you genuinely enjoy doing.
  4. Last, plot each and have your partner do the same. The division of labor will become more transparent AND you will have a useful way to align on what to prioritize, outsource/barter, enjoy, or ignore.

Try it out and let us know how it works for you!