Networking: How to build a network and why it matters now
Discover how you can make networking part of your daily life – even when you have a full-time job. Learn the do’s and don’ts of networking, get guidance on how to set up meetings with people you’ve never met and learn how to make the most of a networking session.
Do you physically recoil at the thought of networking? Have you become complacent around maintaining relationships or cultivating new ones? Are you unsure how to start? While networking may come naturally to some people, it’s a learned skill for most. Discover how you can make networking part of your daily life – even when you have a full-time job. Learn the do’s and don’ts of networking, get guidance on how to set up meetings with people you’ve never met and learn how to make the most of a networking session. In this module, you can practice with scripted outreach messages as well as Equipt’s networking tracker tool to make the whole process easy to manage.