May 22, 2024 | Burning Question, Establishing empowering habits
As a new mom with a high-pressure job, I constantly feel pulled in different directions. I’m embarrassed to ask my boss for a more flexible or part-time schedule because I don’t want to seem uncommitted to my work. But the truth is, I’m burning out...
May 9, 2024 | Deepening self knowledge, Quick Takes
As women, we’re conditioned to keep others happy while silently struggling. 😔 We’re caregivers, often the last to ask for anything. Or perfectionists, burdened to figure it out on our own. Or patient strivers, hoping to be seen, valued, and recognized. This doesn’t...
Nov 21, 2023 | Burning Question, Navigating workplace dynamics
My boss talks over me and doesn’t want my suggestions. I think my expertise threatens him as he only has 1 more year of experience than I have, but a much bigger job. He controls the projects I am assigned to, my upcoming raise, and my path to promotion. I want to...
Nov 9, 2023 | Navigating workplace dynamics, Quick Takes
It may surprise you that managing up – i.e., managing your boss – will help YOU succeed because it enables you to get stuff done. When my career took off, it wasn’t because someone gave me a bigger list of things to do. Instead, it was because I: Observed what needed...
Jul 13, 2022 | Burning Question, Deepening self knowledge
“I’ve recently discovered my strengths (based on an Equipt session!) and it still feels awkward to define something I’m good at but don’t enjoy or don’t feel energized by as a weakness – but I’m trying! How can I effectively answer the dreaded interview question...