Nov 5, 2024 | Navigating workplace dynamics
You’ve been looking forward to this meeting all month. At the top of the agenda, your department leader asked the team for input on a major initiative. You have a brilliant insight 💡 that could make a real difference, but your heart starts racing. The words catch in...
Nov 21, 2023 | Burning Question, Navigating workplace dynamics
My boss talks over me and doesn’t want my suggestions. I think my expertise threatens him as he only has 1 more year of experience than I have, but a much bigger job. He controls the projects I am assigned to, my upcoming raise, and my path to promotion. I want to...
Nov 9, 2023 | Navigating workplace dynamics, Quick Takes
It may surprise you that managing up – i.e., managing your boss – will help YOU succeed because it enables you to get stuff done. When my career took off, it wasn’t because someone gave me a bigger list of things to do. Instead, it was because I: Observed what needed...