Based on popular demand, we’re making our top Momentum modules available in self-guided courses – what we call “Minis.”
Each Mini includes video content, slides, worksheets, transcripts, troubleshooting, scripted conversations and resources for a deeper dive.

Compensation confidence
Get the inside scoop on TOTAL Compensation and how to ask for more
This first-of-its-kind course was created based on decades of compensation experience to help young professional women feel more informed, empowered and confident to pursue their earning potential and handle tricky compensation-related conversations.
$149 $69 (one-time offer)

Finding fit at work
The details of where and how you work have a lot to do with your ability to thrive. And knowing the conditions under which you thrive can make all the difference.
That’s why we created this first-of-its-kind self-guided course to help you find the right fit – now and in the future.

Build your network now (and why it matters)
Discover how you can make networking part of your daily life – even when you have a full-time job. Learn the do’s and don’ts of networking, get guidance on how to set up meetings with people you’ve never met and learn how to make the most of a networking session.